Appletree Pilates

The idea for Appletree began because I wanted to find a way to share Pilates with people who could not attend my in person classes because of distance, time, childcare and the host of other things that get in the way of our exercise. Later on during the lockdowns I took my classes online so that we could continue our Pilates together. Now I am so happy to be able to offer my online classes to everyone. I hope you join us and that you enjoy Pilates as much as I and my classes do.

Meet Sharon 

Hi, I am the founder and teacher of Appletree, it is my way of sharing Pilates with you, I teach in a relaxed but precise way with everyone working at their own pace and standard. There is no competition here just that I want you to feel the best you possibly can.

I am a Pilates teacher and an osteopath and as well as teaching weekly Pilates classes I teach osteopathy to our future osteopaths at university. I first qualified with Pilates Training Solutions and then went on to train with the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute and am a fully qualified APPI teacher. I love to continue learning and am currently studying a masters in exercise medicine. I teach and demonstrate all the Appletree classes online.


I have been teaching Pilates for the past 11 years. My passion for Pilates began long before when I was looking for a way to stay strong and supple without going to the gym. My speciality is teaching real women Pilates and encouraging them to make it part of their lives. Age is no barrier. There is something so powerful about exercising whilst relaxed, focusing on your breath and your body. It is like a moving mindfulness whilst working to improve your strength, flexibility, posture and balance